

Le Peuple de l'Agneau

Le Livre de l'Apocalypse est adressé à sept congrégations du premier siècle dans la province romaine d'Asie. Il traite de leurs luttes réelles. De plus, il présente des messages pertinents pour l'Église à travers l'âge actuel, les “ Derniers Jours .” Cette période a commencé avec la Mort et la Résurrection de Jésus. Les défis quotidiens des congrégations asiatiques nous fournissent un microcosme de la grande bataille cosmique qui se livre entre Jésus et le Diable.

Proclaiming the Gospel

Jesus commanded his followers to announce the same message he preached: He summarized it as the “ Good News of the Kingdom of God .” His Church would establish this Kingdom in unexpected ways. By his return, his sovereignty over all nations would be established, and his opponents would be subdued, including the “ last enemy ,” death. Until then, his disciples must proclaim his message to the “ ends of the Earth .”

Reign of the Saints

Satan was cast out of Heaven because of the exaltation of the “ Son ” destined to “ shepherd the nations .” Jesus is the “ Ruler of the Kings of the Earth ” and his victorious saints reign with him. Their royal status is based on his Death and Resurrection. He is the “ faithful witness ” and the “ firstborn of the dead .” By his blood, he “ freed us from our sins and made a kingdom, priests for his God ” – (Revelation 1:4-6).

Le Signe Final

Lorsque le sujet de la Seconde Venue est soulevé, la question de savoir quel “signe” ou quels “signes” le précéderont est posée. Invariablement, les guerres, les tremblements de terre, les tsunamis, les famines et les catastrophes similaires sont présentés comme des signes avant-coureurs de la fin. Mais Jésus nous a donné la réponse définitive à cette question – Lorsque l'Église aura achevé sa mission .

People of the Lamb

The Book of Revelation is addressed to seven first-century congregations in the Roman province of Asia. It deals with their real-life struggles. Moreover, it presents messages relevant to the Church throughout the present age, the “ Last Days .” This period began with the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. The daily challenges of the Asian congregations provide us with a microcosm of the great cosmic battle that is being waged between Jesus and the Devil.